Saturday, November 5, 2011

Some stuff about me and introduction.


Hi everyone,

I go around assuming everyone knows me and no one needs me to introduce myself. :D  

I am Corinne (pronounced cor-INN) and I am the CEO and founder with Pete of Mobile Drug Testing. We have 12 kids. (Yes 12 that was not a typo.) I am the oldest of 7 kids and grew up in a small town Mormon family. I have a very entrepreneurial family and my maternal grandmother was extremely instrumental in founding KFC with Pete Harman and Col. Sanders. She was Vice President of a major company back when women were barely allowed to work! I am very proud of her. My other grandmother was also an executive and was administrator of a nursing home as well as owning a fast food restaurant that they started. In my family women were never held back because they just refused to be. My dad had one successful business after another ranging from a KFC franchise (shock!) to real estate, other restaurants, and when he was young opened and ran his own barbershop.

We are devout born-again Christians and aside from that and along with that regular church-goers. ;) 

I sure never thought I would grow up and marry a redheaded chemist from Philadelphia and have 12 kids! 

I love to read and read everything I can get my hands on. I am a great cook (sadly!) and often you can find me working on my laptop in my family room surrounded by the 7 kids still at home, 2 dogs, a cat and usually there is something or other bubbling in the crock pot. I am an amazing multitasker and can work nearly anywhere and only really use the office when I need quiet or have a major project to work on. Our family was profoundly affected 3.5 years ago when my 12 year old daughter was hit by a car while riding her bike and died 2 weeks later. It was a rough time and we are all changed from it. 

I am a birth junkie and never did get to be a full time midwife, but I sure tried hard!  My favorite color is yellow and I am not talking about a pastel here. I like it bright, bright, bright but not greenish or neon. I love living in Utah. I love the climate, my grandkids, and the mountains; not necessarily in that order. I collect ceramic milk jugs/water pitchers and have about a million houseplants that make me happy. I also still help a baby into the world now and then. 

I like to laugh. *I* think I am funny whether anyone else does or not! I find ways to laugh because otherwise sometimes life is too hard. 

Is there anything else you want to know about me? Just ask. :D


1 comment:

  1. :::waving back::: Hi, Corinne! :) I look forward to reading your blog!
