Friday, September 11, 2015

PG 13: What This Middle-Aged Mom Wishes She Could Tell Young Men About Sex


I know, I know.  Middle aged Christian moms don't know much about sex.  We are the least *sexy* demographic there is.  In fact, if you were to pick a group perceived to have less to say on the subject you would have to go to old women and children.

I know.  So we older women have no platform or ability to talk, or even have opinions on matters commonly thought to be best left to younger folk.  And we certainly shouldn't try to educate young men.  Gasp!

But if it WERE possible, here are some things I wish I could say to them.

1. Don't listen to your friends. They don't know anything either, and what they do tell you is wrong.

2. Porn is 100% bad. Always. No exceptions. Sex is not like that at all, and it damages you forever. Once those images are in your head you cannot undo the damage.

3. Learn self control now, so that you can reap the benefits of it later. Yes, I mean what you think I mean.

4. Waiting for marriage will benefit you for a lifetime. You can have an amazing sex life, far better, if you wait and show her she can trust your self control and your love for her.

5. You need to understand women's physiology. You need to understand how it all works in order to understand her and her needs. It is more than just a period every month.

6. There is no question you should not ask. Find someone you trust and ask.

7.  Praying about sex is a good thing. God cares about you and is able to help you. 

8. Girls are different from  you in more ways than you know. Their thinking is different unless they have been damaged. Don't try to change that. It is a good thing for you.

9. Be open and accountable to someone. Someone you can trust.

10. The Bible has a lot to say about sex. Go find it, and search it out and find God's perspective.  Sex was God's invention, and one of His best!