Saturday, May 18, 2013

Have We Sold Our Children?

  • What if I told you that there is a multi billion dollar industry out there that daily tries to convince you to change your lifestyle?
  • What if I told you that they want you to believe certain things in order to sell their product?
  • What if I told you that a very rich and deep-pocketed industry has their best interests at heart and not necessarily yours?
  • What if I told you that this industry doesn't care a whit about what the Bible says?
  • What if I further told you that they spend a lot of money on advertising and marketing to cause you to think differently than you would have without their influences?
Yeah not one of the statements above shocks us because we are so used to it!

We know that those companies advertising on TV and billboards are in it for the money, and while we may like the products and even choose to buy them, we know that they are trying to manipulate us.  But what if there is an industry that has manipulated us so well that we don't recognize it as marketing and creating a market that wasn't there before?  Has that ever happened before?  Do you think it is possible that our selfish desires and what the Bible calls sin nature might cause us to fall into a carefully laid trap without realizing it?  Or that something that might be a small need for a small market has been or could be made into something very large?

There are hundreds of examples of how our actual culture has changed based on marketing of products and services that didn't exist before.  Take fast food for example, or the Four Food groups, which is now the Food Pyramid.  How about microwaves or TVs?  Whose idea do you think it was that every bedroom should have a TV along with the kitchen?  I suspect that the idea was planted as a way to sell more televisions, don't you?

When I was in high school I was deeply involved with debate, and was very good at it.  It taught me how to think and gave me critical thinking skills that have served me well.  So if you want to know about the background of something, you should look at who would benefit.  That is logical.  If you want to know why McDonald's spends a bazillion dollars on advertising, you should know it is because it benefits them.  It is profitable.  It is also profitable for them to help people to think, for example, that a brown bag lunch is less COOL.  So perhaps they might have started a separate and less obvious campaign to change public opinion.  Maybe they began a public relations campaign to change our opinions about brown bagging it and they might even have paid people to write a sentence or two in a sit-com about how silly it is to carry your lunch.  Do you think that is possible?

We know about subliminal advertising, or about companies that pay to have their products used or shown in movies and on TV by what gives the consumers the impression of real people.  So a popular character might drink a coke.  Or a super sexy feminine woman might use a particular perfume in a movie or drive a certain car.  We all know this.  And it is proven to work.  Every buying decision is carefully studied and even scripted for us and there is no doubt that this is effective.  We also know about "official" studies that are conducted with a certain result in mind, paid for by a company selling something, and it is also very effective.  We buy into the ideas that are being sold as much as the product being sold.

The Bible says we are sheep, and we really are.

So it should not be shocking for me to suggest that the contraceptive industry has perpetrated a lie on American and western culture.  And they have changed our collective minds about families.

Prior to 1960 guess what people thought about having kids?
  • Getting married and having kids was desirable.
  • Living together was not. Even if it was okay morally, the chance of a baby made women more conscious of commitment.  
  • Having several kids was a good thing; 4, 5, 6 kids was a normal family.
  • Having 25 kids was really hard.
  • Grandchildren were a blessing.
  • Having older kids and younger kids was a blessing.
  • Families stayed together, divorce was much more rare, extended family was involved, and they learned from one another.
Don't believe me?  Look at all the media produced, books written, diaries, journals, newspapers, your own family history. 

  • It was right about the time that the Pill was invented that the world started to hear noises about overpopulation.  We know now that this is a complete fallacy, but who do you suppose funded and perpetuated that research?  
  • Who do you suppose funded the research showing an "optimal spacing" between children?  
  • Who do you suppose funded the increasing media, articles, ads, sit-coms, and so on, showing an "ideal" family being 1 boy and 1 girl?
  • Who do you suppose perpetuated the idea that children are too expensive and that we should wait to have them, "for their good?" Who benefits from the waiting?  Is it the women who wait too long and then could not have babies?  I don't think so.
Follow the money.  Who benefits?  

We now have a generation of adults who fell into this trap entering their senior years.  They have no one to care for them, because they bought the idea that caring for someone is too hard, and they taught their children this lie.  The social security is drying up because there are not enough workers to support it.  The population of some countries is declining so rapidly that women are literally being paid to have babies!  This is not even uncommon.

The Pill is unhealthy for women.  Did you know that the Pill was the very first drug marketed to healthy people to cause something to function improperly?  Women's bodies were created to work a certain way.  When it is working properly a baby is produced in a sexual relationship.  The Pill literally causes it to be broken.  The hormones are dangerous and cause cancer.  Doctors know this and it is very common for them to suppress all female hormones when a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.  Especially the ones in the Pill.  The hormones are known to cause the cancer to grow much faster.

Did you know that according to the American Cancer Society, between 1970 and 1996 breast cancer rose 171% and the female population rose 29%? Did you know that 1970 was the time when the Pill began to be marketed to single women as well as married?  Do you think there might be a correlation? 

        (1) Breast-cancer incidence rises from 68,000 to 184,300 between 1970 and 1996. Factor of Rise = 184,300 / 68,000 = 2.71. Rise = 171 %.
        (2) Female Population Rise from 1970 to 1995 = 134,461 / 104,309 = 1.29. Rise = 29 %. (Table 2)
        (3) There is no way that female population increase alone can account for the enormous rise in breast-cancer incidence.

Follow the money.  Who benefits?  Women?  I don't think so.  Women are dying in record numbers and there is a direct correlation to a hormonal link.

Now let's compare what the Bible says about children and what we are conditioned to think is "smart" and even "responsible" adult behavior in regards to children.

The Bible says:
We are conditioned to think:
Psalm 127 A man is blessed who has many children and it is proof of God’s blessing.
Many children are a burden and proof of irresponsibility.
Psalm 17:13-14 Children are a treasure and abundance.
Children are too expesnive and you can’t have what you want if you have any, or too many, or too soon.
Psalm 113:9 Being a mother is a joy
Being a mother is something to be endured.
Matthew 18 Children are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven
Children are inconvenient.
Luke 23: Jesus talking about the end times and the grief of a time when being barren would be celebrated.
Our culture celebrates Childless-by-   Choice, and even encourages it by saying things like women who don’t want children shouldn't have them.  We don’t want them because we have believed the lie that we shouldn't want them.  We suppress our natural desires.

What does the Bible say?  What do you believe?  Does this thought stretch your thinking?

Do you believe what the Bible says or what our culture has taught?

Is this so ingrained in you that you are not willing to even think about it and my words here have even made you angry?

Why do you think that is?  All I am asking is for you to think it through and not just accept the common views and cultural biases.

Again, what does God say about it?