Monday, May 21, 2012

You Might Be Mom of a Large Family If:

  1. You hold rehearsals with your kids prior to any event that requires them to sit still for more than 5 minutes.
  2. You have had more than one person ask if you are running a daycare.
  3. You have seen the same movie more than 6 times in one day.
  4. *Matched* dishes mean that they are all plates and has little or nothing to do with the look of them.
  5. You shop for your pots and pans at the restaurant supply store.
  6. It has occurred to you to buy that empty elementary school for your new house.
  7. You spent more time pregnant than you did in elementary school.
  8. The peanut butter company sends you Mother's day cards.
  9. Your midwife has a frequent flyer program.
  10. Yogurt cups look suspiciously like kiddie cups to you.
  11. Buying potatoes involves 2 men and a forklift.
  12. You have to call in a pre-order at McDonald's.
  13. It is cheaper to buy a year pass than a single day at the zoo.
  14. Your friend breathlessly announces that she has to get off the phone because she  needs to cook dinner for 12 that night, and you calmly say, "yeah, me too."
  15. You use autocad software to plan how to fit all the carseats in the van before announcing your pregnancy.
  16. It has been 15 years since you went grocery shopping and were not asked if you are having a party.
  17. You have attended more births than the labor and delivery nurse.
  18. You find yourself wishing for a third refrigerator on occasion.
  19. You design your trash area based on ideas from fast food restaurants.
  20. The shoe store has offered you a bulk discount.
  21. You can gauge your family size by what type of sports team you have given birth to at a given point.
  22. You have pre-planned multiple responses to "You know what causes that, right?" and most of them are funny.  
  23. You have given birth to more people than you have had cars.
  24. You realize that to have ribs for dinner would require more than one pig.
  25. You did two weeks laundry at the laundromat and could have just bought a new washer.
  26. And last but certainly not least:  You did the math and your family alone could rival the population in most small countries in about 3 generations.  
NOW figure out which 2 of the above are not TRUE!!