Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cheeseburgers and Gay People

I am a born again Christian, and I take it very seriously.  Because I believe that the rule book was set by God and not by me I do believe that practicing homosexuality is a sin.  But I do not believe that being gay is a sin.

How can those two beliefs coexist in me?

I am fat.  Quite fat.  I believe the Bible teaches me to be self controlled and to not be gluttonous.  And yet, here I am.  Fat.  Why am I fat if I believe that it is gluttony for me to overeat?  Well...because I overeat anyway.  I fight this physical appetite every single day of my life.  I do not claim it is okay, and I don't suggest that I should be a role model as one who lives a sinless life.  I know lots of thin people too, some of whom rarely struggle at all with their weight and have even advised me on how to stop being the way I am.  I have tried their advice to no avail.  I have some areas that I almost never have a struggle to avoid the sin.  I very seldom am envious for example, and I am not stingy.  I do swear now and then to my dismay.

I don't know why I struggle so much with food and my weight.  All I know is I do.  I suspect that I might have been born with this particular propensity.  I wonder how I would feel if large groups of people who claim to be loving and forgiving held rallies to condemn me with signs and hatred?  I wonder if it would make me want to be in any way affiliated with them?  I wonder if I might instead turn to a cheeseburger and decide that I might as well indulge my appetite since it doesn't matter anyway and I know I will be hated for even desiring a cheeseburger.  I might even find other groups of cheeseburger lovers and be friends with them instead.  I might even start to think that wanting a cheeseburger is a pretty normal thing to want and start to get pretty mad at the people who are treating me this way.

The funny thing is that I have sat in rooms packed full of Christians and admitted to them that I love cheeseburgers and that I eat them even when I know I should not.  I even <gasp> told my pastor's wife a few days ago that when I was going through a hard time recently that I turned to food for comfort. I believe I said "everything else feels bad, my mouth could at least feel good."  She knew I was not proud of it, and yet she hugged me and that told me I could keep trying, and would succeed one day.

I wonder what would happen if we treated people that way?  I wonder if we would be where we are right now with the huge animosity that is being leveled against people like me-Born Again Christians-because a large group of people think I hate them.  I don't.  I love cheeseburgers too much to point a finger at anyone else.