Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting my just *deserves*

Some of you know I own a business.  Mobile Drug Testing, LLC.  It is growing and thriving and my jaw drops at how big it is getting. It is SO exciting!!  Only 10 years of hard work for this overnight success to happen.

I have been excited, and depressed, cried, sweated, and used a few swear words.  I have worked for free, been befuddled, had horrible days, had wonderful days, and been ready to hang up my hat and walk away more times than I can count.  It has been uphill and hard and so rewarding all at the same time.  I have had to learn a lot of stuff I never wanted to learn, and stuff I always wanted to learn.  I have had to figure out stuff that people spend years in college learning and had to do it on my own and with much difficulty.  I have done some things well and some things badly.  I have had to redo things and undo things and then do it all over again.  I still do.  I have had days where I had no idea what do do next or how and days where I knew what to do but there was not enough time to do it.  It has been very hard and taken courage, perseverance, and guts to do it.

I so deserve the success that we are enjoying now!

Or do I?  Do I?

How do I deserve success any more than that guy who stands in a ditch pouring cement day after day to support his family?  Or how do I deserve it more than the farm worker with the aching back picking tomatoes so his little girl can have a roof over her head?  How do I deserve it more than the single mom who works herself sick to make sure her kids are taken care of?

The word deserve is a tough one for me.  I do not deserve anything.  I am so glad and so grateful that God has decided to bless us with the success we have, but I do not believe for one second that it is anything but a blessing.

I don't deserve anything but what I was rescued from by Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely didn't deserve me. No one deserves that kind of punishment! LOL!
