Thursday, June 14, 2012

Does Time Heal All Wounds? 4 years later...

Does time heal all wounds?

No.  It does not.  But it does do *something* that I have been trying to define.

What does time do?  Time teaches.

Grief is a giant thorn ball that is bigger than me.  It was thrust into my life by circumstances that I had no control over and no choice but to accept.  It sits, invisibly, in front of me every single day, every step I take, every thought I think, every plan I make.  It pokes with sharp spines and stinging poison.  It intrudes where it was not invited and stays long past polite behavior.  It is rude, and crude, and leaves dirty marks on the walls and floors of my heart.

Time has taught me how to step around it.  Sometimes.  Time has forged a path that can lead me around the spines and into a softer remembrance.  Sometimes.

But even Time can't soften the spines or remove the poison, and Time can't teach grief better manners.   There are events and circumstances that muddy the path that Time so painstakingly taught me, and while the mud remains, the spines poke as sharply, and the poison is as debilitating as it ever was.

In 4 days it will be the 4th anniversary of Rachael's accident.  She would have been 17 in July.  My path is pretty muddy.

"Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."

I think He uses Time as a tool for that.


  1. Hugs. Thanks for sharing. I think of you & your family often.

  2. Thinking of you SO much lately...tears. I love you.

  3. Praying for you and your family, Corinne. (((((hugs))))

  4. OH Corinne (((hugs))) !! Praying !!

  5. I so needed to read this tonight. ((((((hugs))))) I think of you often. <3

  6. I love you so much Corinne, I won't ever forget the way you where so unselfish with her as a new born, you and Rachel where an amazing part of my greiving over the loss of my girls. I'll forever be greatful to you both. I miss you ams think of you often. Thank so much for being such an awesome friend and mention.

  7. Praying and (((hugs))) beautifully written.

  8. Corrine, that was beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


  9. Hi Corrine, A friend of mine passed your blog on to me. I lost my 14 year old daughter 12-21-11. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I can relate so much.

  10. Beautiful and painful. Much love to you
