Sunday, November 13, 2011

My name is Corinne and I am a Facebooker.

My name is Corinne and I am a Facebooker.  Unashamedly a Facebooker in a world that increasingly feeling ashamed of it.  I proudly announce it!

I hear a lot of criticisms for Facebook and I get it.  I do.  I see that there are a lot of people who have turned to FB instead of getting *out there*.  TV ads even point out how funny that is.  It is odd.  But I get out there a lot!

I love FB.  I love that I can take a moment in the middle of a busy day to see how my friend's baby is doing, make a funny observation, hear a quick update on how people's day is going, and even say Happy Birthday to a friend whom I might not have otherwise known was having a birthday.  I love that.

I can leave FB open while I work and if someone needs to ask a quick question they can IM me there and the tab flashes to let me know.  I can take a quick break and play a single word on my Scrabble game and can see pictures of people and keep up with them a bit.  I love that I can check in on someone I know is having a hard time and see how they are doing and I can send a quick note of encouragement or a virtual hug to someone far away.

I have been able to connect with friends from highschool (oh heavens a long time ago!) and have completely enjoyed renewing those old friendships.  I get a dose of funny most days, see pictures of babies growing up and even make new friends!

I make business connections, do some marketing, and get to publicly congratulate people on their achievements.

I work a lot; most days lately around 12 hours a day.  I have little time to socialize.   FB has made it so that I am not completely isolated and disconnected from everyone.

And I can use a one liner there to make myself laugh when I need a boost too!


  1. Love FB for all of the same reasons!

  2. Shame! Shame! Oh you woman of FB thou shalt fall into theabyss of social networking! LOL!!

  3. I love FB too! I have reconnected with some of my friends and made some new ones because of it!

  4. I love FB too Corinne. I think I will write a blog about what FB means to me. Thanks for sharing.
