Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Robin Story

One entire summer about three or four years ago, I kept my eyes on a particular robin in our neighborhood.  He was very distinctive, quite easy to spot, and I felt responsible for him.

We came home from church one spring Sunday afternoon to find that a robin had found his way somehow into the house.  He was flapping and flying, and freaking out!  A couple of the older kids and I started trying to get him out without hurting him.  We tried to calm him and tried not to scare him further by chasing him.  He would land and we would try to catch him, over and over again.

Eventually somehow I caught him and it took both hands to hold him.  They are pretty big birds really which I didn't realize until I was holding him. Desperately trying not to squish him I took him to the window and one of the kids opened it.  He was strong!

I was trying to guide him through the opening without him hitting the glass pane and got his head outside and Floosh!  he flew out of my hands.  I was so surprised and so concerned about him hurting himself that even as he flew out of my hands I was trying to guide him through the right hole.

As he flew away I looked at him and thoroughly horrified realized he had no tail.

I had kept it.


  1. All the while Cassie the cat was hoping that you reaaallly do love her...

  2. I don't know. I saw him around all summer and never spotted him again.
