Friday, January 27, 2012


Okay I have a puppy here for one day.  Her name is Maggie and she is a birthday gift for my Dad.  She has all the right combinations of soft puppy fur, puppy breath, cute little eyes, and sweet nature.

Not hard to guess I will have a pang or two giving her to her new home tomorrow is it?

When I was about 6 years old *my* dog Susie had a litter of puppies.  One died shortly after birth and was the only identical twin puppy I ever saw, but she had a cleft palate and didn't make it.  Her twin died a few days later I assume from a birth defect as well.

My sister Laura and I had the basket of puppies in our room and I loved, really loved, those little pups.  I spent hours and hours holding and cuddling them, and I would never embarrass Laura by telling you that we tried to breastfeed them, but suffice it to say my mom was nursing my little brother at about that time.  Just sayin'.  I would put them all in my bed with me and try to sleep with all of them at once.  Warm little puppy bodies seemed like a perfect sleep aid to me.

I have a pretty strong soft spot for puppies.  I mean who doesn't. brings back all those sweet childhood memories (well maybe not the puppy teeth+trying to breastfeed thing, but otherwise...) of me and my sister and my childhood dog Susie.

Meet Maggie!