Monday, January 2, 2012

And it Plays a Food on TV.

I bought fruit loops for breakfast this morning.  Not that I think it is food, but my grandkids are over and it is a treat and it plays a food on TV.

No one can accuse me of being a health nut.  But we do try to limit sugar, and eat food that  This was brought home to me last night in a hysterical way when I saw a commercial featuring a family of four (because all real families have either two or three children on TV.  Maybe we need more parents at my house?) sitting at a table laughing and conversing with one another, white cloth napkins and water goblets visible, and shallow soup bowls filled with Chef Boyardee Ravioli.  The commercial was bent on showing how this Italian chef had revolutionized Cincinnati, or somewhere, in the 30s or 40's by his willingness to bottle his tasty old Italian recipes for his restaurant customers and today you can feed your family these same foods.  Yep.  Chef Boyardee Ravioli IS that Old World Italian dish!  Who would have guessed?   You too can feed your family this authentic, wholesome food for dinner tonight, and only $1.59 for the family sized can!

Do you know what this MEANS?  It means that there is room on the family table for Spaghettios!

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