Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Snowflake tutorial. :D

I make GREAT snowflakes.  Here is how:

Cut paper into a square

Fold square diagonally.
From center of long fold cross one side into thirds.

Fold second side over to thirds along the long fold.

After it is folded into thirds fold that in half , keeping the center point.
Cut the bottom off....

It should look like this.

Begin cutting.  The point will be the center of your snowflake so make an interesting cut there.

Make all your cuts being sure to keep some of each fold.
Open carefully and unfold.


 Some snowflakes!


  1. We made snowflakes all day yesterday. My 6yo dd is the best dc at folding the folds exactly as needed. Now all our windows are covered with snowflakes! It's addicting to keeping making "just one more" once you get get started!

    I love your snowflakes that you posted here. It's neat how some cut patterns turn out so beautiful, while other cuts that we think will be so cool turn out to be just average once they're unfolded.

    - Sandi (bbcooker from momys)

  2. OH this is great! I tried making some the other day and they were just terrible LOL!! Thanks for posting this :)
